Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Local Man in Public Eye

 On Monday, Justin participated in a Rube Goldberg machine for work. He was recognized by local newspapers with these pictures. Each team was given a $200 budget but his team only spent about $40 - go DI! Here, he is setting up his teams section of a seven team machine. I was unable to attend the event but it went so well that Justin won a free vacation day! That will be nice to use in the future.

New Clothes

All kinds of changes have been taking place for Sawyer now that he is rounding the corner to four months! He has upgraded to a crib where he can move more freely and because of that we find him at the bottom of the crib or sideways on a regular basis!

 Next, he has outgrown (length, not width!) a lot of his clothes. Here he is showing off his new clothes!

This little boy rarely holds still (as you can tell by all the blurred pictures)! We were getting ready to head out the door for church but had to get a few quick pictures of his new shoes that uncle Jason gave.

Something Old, Something New. . .

My cousin's little girl handing out the presents

 The dessert bar was mostly blue served in antique serving dishes. I think everyone enjoyed the sweets and had a good time!

Hand dipped Heart Cookies

Blue Ombre vanilla cake with Buttercream

Buttermint Pillows

Walnut Fudge Brownies with a Fondant Rosebud

Monday, July 22, 2013

Three Months Old

Trying to escape the bouncy seat while mommy is making dinner!

Dress like a Cow Day at Chick-fil-A

Cute as a Soy Bean!